- Fox News' Geraldo Rivera tells Trump to stand down: 'It's over' https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/15/media/fox-news-geraldo-rivera-charlie-kirk/index.html 35 comments politics
- Geraldo Rivera tells Trump to stand down: 'It's over' https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/15/media/fox-news-geraldo-rivera-charlie-kirk/index.html 19 comments politics
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- Fox News' Maria Bartiromo gave Trump his first TV interview since the election. It was filled with lies | CNN Business https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/29/media/bartiromo-trump-interview/index.html 140 comments
- Joe Biden speech affirms win: 'The rule of law, our Constitution and the will of the people prevailed' | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/14/politics/joe-biden-speech-electoral-college/index.html 55 comments
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