- 6x faster Docker builds for Symfony and API Platform projects https://dunglas.dev/2023/08/6x-faster-docker-builds-for-symfony-and-api-platform-projects/ 5 comments php
Linking pages
Linked pages
- Caddy - The Ultimate Server with Automatic HTTPS https://caddyserver.com 468 comments
- FrankenPHP: the modern PHP app server https://frankenphp.dev 339 comments
- Symfony, High Performance PHP Framework for Web Development https://symfony.com/ 193 comments
- API Platform https://api-platform.com 110 comments
- Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework https://nextjs.org/ 36 comments
- Dockerfile reference | Docker Docs https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#usage 31 comments
- GitHub - dunglas/symfony-docker: A Docker-based installer and runtime for Symfony. Install: download and `docker compose up`. https://github.com/dunglas/symfony-docker 16 comments
- The intro guide to eco-design - Les Designers Ãthiques https://eco-conception.designersethiques.org/guide/en/ 1 comment
- Docker Compose Specification https://www.compose-spec.io/ 0 comments
- Mercure.rocks: Real-time APIs Made Easy https://mercure.rocks 0 comments
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