- .NET 7 is out now! 🎉 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download 191 comments csharp
- .NET 5 is now available to download https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download 78 comments csharp
Linking pages
- GitHub - MichalStrehovsky/zerosharp: Demo of the potential of C# for systems programming with the .NET native ahead-of-time compilation technology. https://github.com/michalstrehovsky/zerosharp 153 comments
- What I wish I knew when learning F# http://danielbachler.de/2020/12/23/what-i-wish-i-knew-when-learning-fsharp.html 147 comments
- Meet TUnit: The New, Fast, and Extensible .NET Testing Framework · Sander ten Brinke https://stenbrinke.nl/blog/tunit-introduction/ 146 comments
- Windows Subsystem for Linux is making inroads with developers | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/03/the-windows-subsystem-for-linux-conference-was-a-virtual-success/ 143 comments
- GitHub - rafaelfgx/Architecture: .NET 7, Angular 15, Clean Architecture, Clean Code, SOLID Principles, KISS Principle, DRY Principle, Fail Fast Principle, Common Closure Principle, Common Reuse Principle, Acyclic Dependencies Principle, Mediator Pattern, Result Pattern, Folder-By-Feature Structure, Separation of Concerns. https://github.com/rafaelfgx/DotNetCoreArchitecture 115 comments
- GitHub - mxgmn/MarkovJunior: Probabilistic language based on pattern matching and constraint propagation, 153 examples https://github.com/mxgmn/MarkovJunior 112 comments
- Introducing the .NET 6 runtime for AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-the-net-6-runtime-for-aws-lambda/ 111 comments
- GitHub - milanm/DotNet-Developer-Roadmap: The comprehensive .NET Developer Roadmap for 2025 by seniority level. https://github.com/milanm/DotNet-Developer-Roadmap 110 comments
- Announcing the Porting Assistant for .NET | AWS News Blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/announcing-the-porting-assistant-for-net/ 105 comments
- GitHub - microsoft/ApplicationInspector: A source code analyzer built for surfacing features of interest and other characteristics to answer the question 'What's in the code?' quickly using static analysis with a json based rules engine. Ideal for scanning components before use or detecting feature level changes. https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInspector 74 comments
- Introducing PeachPie 1.0.0 @ PeachPie | PHP compiler to .NET https://www.peachpie.io/2021/03/v1.html 71 comments
- GitHub - microsoft/AttackSurfaceAnalyzer: Attack Surface Analyzer can help you analyze your operating system's security configuration for changes during software installation. https://github.com/Microsoft/AttackSurfaceAnalyzer 68 comments
- Using WebAssembly from .NET with Wasmtime - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/12/using-webassembly-from-dotnet-with-wasmtime/ 62 comments
- GitHub - mrLSD/riscv-fs: F# RISC-V Instruction Set formal specification https://github.com/mrLSD/riscv-fs 61 comments
- GitHub - karlssberg/Motiv: Motiv figures out why your logic failed (or succeeded) so you don't have to https://github.com/karlssberg/Motiv 53 comments
- Blazor Toast Notifications using only C#, HTML and CSS https://codedaze.io/blazor-toast-notifications-using-only-csharp-html-css/ 50 comments
- GitHub - moritz-mm/Reddnet: 🎭 Minimal Reddit clone https://github.com/moritz-mm/Reddnet 47 comments
- GitHub - thangchung/clean-architecture-dotnet: 🕸 Yet Another .NET Clean Architecture, but for Microservices project. It uses Minimal Clean Architecture with DDD-lite, CQRS-lite, and just enough Cloud-native patterns apply on the simple eCommerce sample and run on Tye with Dapr extension 🍻 https://github.com/thangchung/clean-architecture-dotnet 46 comments
- JetBrains Rider Setup | Avalonia Docs https://docs.avaloniaui.net/docs/0.10.x/getting-started/jetbrains-rider-setup 44 comments
- GitHub - RussBaz/WebFrame: F# framework for rapid prototyping with ASP.NET Core. https://github.com/RussBaz/WebFrame 43 comments
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