- uninstall wsl https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install 8 comments learnprogramming
- Creating an Installer/Setup Wizard that Installs Programs for Windows https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install 4 comments sysadmin
- Is anyone using WSL2 + Ubuntu + CUDA + Jupyter on Windows 10? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install 11 comments learnmachinelearning
Linking pages
- GitHub - sickcodes/Docker-OSX: Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers. https://github.com/sickcodes/Docker-OSX 522 comments
- Install TensorFlow with pip https://www.tensorflow.org/install/pip#system-install 176 comments
- Running your own A.I. Image Generator with Latent-Diffusion | Reticulated https://reticulated.net/dailyai/running-your-own-ai-image-generator-with-latent-diffusion/ 127 comments
- GitHub - copy/v86: x86 PC emulator and x86-to-wasm JIT, running in the browser https://github.com/copy/v86/blob/master/Readme.md 123 comments
- Managing Python versions with pyenv | The Python Corner https://thepythoncorner.com/posts/2022-05-06-managing-python-versions-with-pyenv/ 110 comments
- GitHub - hpi-swa/native-minecraft-server: Use GraalVM Native Image to turn the Minecraft server into native executables that are small in footprint, fast, and cheap to deploy. https://github.com/hpi-swa/native-minecraft-server 89 comments
- Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) Updated to Android 13 on Windows 11 with Build 2211 https://www.androidsage.com/2022/12/08/windows-subsystem-for-android-wsa-updated-to-android-13-on-windows-11-build-2211/ 88 comments
- GitHub - WSA-Community/WSAGAScript: Scripts to install Google Apps into a WSA image. Plus optional root https://github.com/ADeltaX/WSAGAScript 77 comments
- GitHub - xwmx/nb: CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script. https://github.com/xwmx/nb 76 comments
- Lens 6 Released, Vision for the Future, New Subscription Model and Features Available | by Miska Kaipiainen | k8slens | Medium https://medium.com/k8slens/lens-6-released-vision-for-the-future-new-subscription-model-and-features-available-628ff21fe14a 56 comments
- GitHub - mrrfv/linux-android-backup: Back up your device without vendor lock-ins, using insecure software or root. Supports encryption and compression out of the box. Works cross-platform. https://github.com/mrrfv/linux-android-backup 39 comments
- Install TensorFlow with pip https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_windows 25 comments
- Behind The Spotify Wrapped API Scenes · Den Delimarsky https://den.dev/blog/spotify-wrapped/ 24 comments
- Install TensorFlow with pip https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu 22 comments
- Bash Scripts for tmux. How to save a few keystrokes when… | by Jake Manger | Medium https://medium.com/@jakemanger/bash-scripts-for-tmux-d77a0764833c 21 comments
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- GitHub - vikekh/ansible-home https://github.com/vikekh/spirou-playbook 16 comments
- Self-Hosting Primer - Getting Started https://blog.jmgilman.com/getting-started-with-self-hosting/ 16 comments
- Getting started with Ember - Learn web development | MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Tools_and_testing/Client-side_JavaScript_frameworks/Ember_getting_started 15 comments
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