- Is there any way to initialize a DST in a Box without using unsizing through an SST? https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/exotic-sizes.html 6 comments rust
Linking pages
- Unsafe Rust Is Harder Than C | Chad Austin https://chadaustin.me/2024/10/intrusive-linked-list-in-rust/ 431 comments
- The Tower of Weakenings: Memory Models For Everyone - Faultlore https://gankra.github.io/blah/tower-of-weakenings/ 120 comments
- My experience crafting an interpreter with Rust – Manuel Cerón https://ceronman.com/2021/07/22/my-experience-crafting-an-interpreter-with-rust/ 108 comments
- Divan: Fast and Simple Benchmarking for Rust · Nikolai Vazquez https://nikolaivazquez.com/blog/divan/ 74 comments
- Arc vs String, is Arc really faster? https://blocklisted.github.io/blog/arc_str_vs_string_is_it_really_faster/ 64 comments
- Nothing in Rust - GeekLaunch https://geeklaunch.io/blog/nothing-in-rust/ 34 comments
- Bringing runtime checks to compile time in Rust · Kai Kaufman's tech blog https://ktkaufman03.github.io/blog/2023/04/20/rust-compile-time-checks/ 19 comments
- Macros, Safety, and SOA | Tim Harding https://tim-harding.github.io/blog/soa-rs/ 17 comments
- Blindsided by Rust's Subtyping and Variance | NullDeref https://nullderef.com/blog/rust-variance/ 16 comments
- haibane_tenshi's blog - Futuristic Rust: context emulation, part 2 https://haibane-tenshi.github.io/rust-contexts2/ 1 comment
- storage-abstraction-v2.md · GitHub https://gist.github.com/teryror/7b9a23fd0cd8dcfbcb6ebd34ee2639f8 0 comments
- Designing Around Our Flaws: How safe Rust avoids the pitfalls of C and C++ | by Jeff Hiner | Dwelo Research and Development | Medium https://medium.com/dwelo-r-d/designing-around-our-flaws-e0fccd7070af 0 comments
- Using the Kani Rust Verifier on a Rust Standard Library CVE | Kani Rust Verifier Blog https://model-checking.github.io/kani-verifier-blog/2022/06/01/using-the-kani-rust-verifier-on-a-rust-standard-library-cve.html 0 comments
- Optimizing Immutable Strings in Rust - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 https://dev.to/somedood/optimizing-immutable-strings-in-rust-2ahj 0 comments
- A cheatsheet for some potentially confusing terms in Rust - Ferrous Systems https://ferrous-systems.com/blog/cheatsheet-for-confusing-rust-terms/ 0 comments
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