Hacker News
- The Rustonomicon https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/ 51 comments
- The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/ 25 comments
- Why isn't the Rustonomicon up to-date? https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/ 13 comments rust
- The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/ 3 comments rust
Linking pages
- Rust can be difficult to learn and frustrating, but it's also the most exciting thing in software development in a long time | InfluxData https://www.influxdata.com/blog/rust-can-be-difficult-to-learn-and-frustrating-but-its-also-the-most-exciting-thing-in-software-development-in-a-long-time/ 453 comments
- Unsafe Rust Is Harder Than C | Chad Austin https://chadaustin.me/2024/10/intrusive-linked-list-in-rust/ 431 comments
- Ferrocene Update - Ferrous Systems https://ferrous-systems.com/blog/sealed-rust-the-plan/ 119 comments
- Baby Steps http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2023/01/20/rust-in-2023-growing-up/ 105 comments
- GitHub - joaocarvalhoopen/How_to_learn_modern_Rust: A guide to the adventurer. https://github.com/joaocarvalhoopen/How_to_learn_modern_Rust 73 comments
- Notes on Type Layouts and ABIs in Rust - Faultlore https://gankra.github.io/blah/rust-layouts-and-abis/ 68 comments
- Arc vs String, is Arc really faster? https://blocklisted.github.io/blog/arc_str_vs_string_is_it_really_faster/ 64 comments
- Eyra is an interesting Rust project â notgull â The world's \#1 source of notgull https://notgull.net/eyra/ 55 comments
- Implementing a safe garbage collector in Rust • Core Dumped https://coredumped.dev/2022/04/11/implementing-a-safe-garbage-collector-in-rust/ 44 comments
- Devblog of Djugei https://djugei.github.io/bad-at-unsafe/ 43 comments
- Where to go to learn Rust in 2021 https://loige.co/where-to-go-to-learn-rust-in-2021/ 42 comments
- Why Rust? A Two Year Retrospective http://way-cooler.org/blog/2018/01/09/way-cooler-turns-two.html 39 comments
- My first impressions of Rust - DEV Community https://dev.to/deepu105/my-first-impressions-of-rust-1a8o 27 comments
- Learn Unsafe Rust From My Mistakes – Geo's Notepad – Mostly Programming and Math https://geo-ant.github.io/blog/2023/unsafe-rust-exploration/ 21 comments
- How to build a plugin system in Rust | Arroyo https://www.arroyo.dev/blog/rust-plugin-systems 20 comments
- GitHub - mgattozzi/rust-from-lang: Rust::from(lang) - a repo to help learn Rust from a language you know! https://github.com/mgattozzi/rust-from-lang 19 comments
- Rust in 2017. Recently Steve Klabnik called out to… | by Maximilian Stroh | Medium https://medium.com/@Hisako1337/rust-in-2017-8f2b57a67d9b#.g50x9mmst 19 comments
- Rust verification tools (2020) – Alastair Reid – Researcher at Intel https://alastairreid.github.io/rust-verification-tools/ 18 comments
- Macros, Safety, and SOA | Tim Harding https://tim-harding.github.io/blog/soa-rs/ 17 comments
- Understanding Rust Lifetimes. No, seriously, this time for real | by Maksym Zavershynskyi | NEAR Protocol | Medium https://medium.com/nearprotocol/understanding-rust-lifetimes-e813bcd405fa 16 comments
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