- 123: Kubernetes, DevOps Pipelines, Trolls & Corporate Liability, How to Get Into SRE, Hannah Montana Linux, and More https://devopsish.com/123/ 3 comments kubernetes
Linking pages
- 122: Chefnanigans, Emotional Intelligence, Derek the DevOps Dinosaur, BPF, Envoy Convoy, Crates of k8s, OPA, and More - DevOps'ish https://devopsish.com/122/ 0 comments
- 124: Kubernetes Tools, Google Anthos and Cloud Run, Fenrir for Serverless, Five Abstractions Make an Inception, Ports on Linux, and More - DevOps'ish https://devopsish.com/124/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019 https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2019 1964 comments
- htop - an interactive process viewer http://hisham.hm/htop/ 473 comments
- Home http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/index.html 293 comments
- Lessons learned porting 50k loc from Java to Go https://blog.kowalczyk.info/article/19f2fe97f06a47c3b1f118fd06851fad/lessons-learned-porting-50k-loc-from-java-to-go.html 260 comments
- GitHub - mvdan/gofumpt: A stricter gofmt https://github.com/mvdan/gofumpt 96 comments
- PostgreSQL DBaaS Calculator | Barnabas Kendall https://barnabas.me/articles/postgres-dbaas.html 58 comments
- Crash early and crash often for more reliable software | by Matt Klein | Medium https://medium.com/@mattklein123/crash-early-and-crash-often-for-more-reliable-software-597738dd21c5 51 comments
- How bad can it git? Characterizing secret leakage in public GitHub repositories | the morning paper https://blog.acolyer.org/2019/04/08/how-bad-can-it-git-characterizing-secret-leakage-in-public-github-repositories/ 36 comments
- Domain-Oriented Observability https://martinfowler.com/articles/domain-oriented-observability.html 20 comments
- Linux server needs a RAM upgrade? Check with top, free, vmstat and sar. https://haydenjames.io/linux-server-need-ram-upgrade-lets-check-free-top-vmstat-sar/ 15 comments
- Email chain prompts Microsoft to investigate reports of sexual harassment ignored by HR | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/04/email-chain-prompts-microsoft-to-investigate-reports-of-sexual-harassment-ignored-by-hr/ 14 comments
- GitHub - jamiehannaford/what-happens-when-k8s: 🤔 What happens when I type kubectl run? https://github.com/jamiehannaford/what-happens-when-k8s/blob/master/README.md 12 comments
- The first picture of a black hole made Katie Bouman an overnight celebrity. Then internet trolls descended. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/first-picture-black-hole-made-katie-bouman-overnight-celebrity-then-n994081 12 comments
- https://www.fastcompany.com/90329043/exclusive-google-asked-100000-employees-about-remote-work-this-is-what-they-learned 11 comments
- At Google, women power the rise of Kubernetes - SiliconANGLE https://siliconangle.com/2019/04/12/google-women-power-rise-kubernetes/ 5 comments
- CNCF to host CRI-O | Cloud Native Computing Foundation https://www.cncf.io/blog/2019/04/08/cncf-to-host-cri-o/ 5 comments
- GitHub - NanXiao/perf-little-book: A small book which introduces Linux perf tool. https://github.com/NanXiao/perf-little-book 3 comments
- GitHub - kubeedge/kubeedge: Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework (project under CNCF) https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge 2 comments
- Turns out Amazon buying Eero wasn’t the startup success story we thought - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/5/18297619/amazon-eero-price-fire-sale-mesh-wi-fi-buyout 1 comment
- An eBPF overview, part 1: Introduction https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/blog/2019/04/05/an-ebpf-overview-part-1-introduction/ 0 comments