Hacker News
- Fast, Declarative, Reproduble and Composable Developer Environments Using Nix https://devenv.sh/ 73 comments
- Devenv.sh: Fast and reproducible developer environments using Nix https://devenv.sh/ 158 comments
- Fast, Declarative, Reproduble and Composable Developer Environments using Nix https://devenv.sh/ 17 comments nix
- devenv.sh has been revamped ✨ https://devenv.sh/ 14 comments nixos
- Containerless developer environments? devenv.sh https://devenv.sh/ 8 comments devops
- devenv: Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments https://devenv.sh/ 9 comments programming
- devenv: Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments https://devenv.sh/ 2 comments opensource
Linking pages
- Ep 5: Taskfile: a modern alternative to Makefile https://cloudnativeengineer.substack.com/p/ep-5-taskfile-a-modern-alternative 218 comments
- Nix-powered development with OCaml - Dimitrije's Website https://dimitrije.website/posts/2023-03-04-nix-ocaml.html 104 comments
- GitHub - Dr-Nekoma/lyceum: An MMO game written in Erlang + Zig (+ Raylib) https://github.com/Dr-Nekoma/lyceum 77 comments
- Devenv: Compose a Developer Environment easily for PHP with Nix | Shyim's Brain https://shyim.me/blog/devenv-compose-developer-environment-for-php-with-nix/ 48 comments
- Nix and NixOS: a retrospective :: Brian McGee https://bmcgee.ie/posts/2023/01/nix-and-nixos-a-retrospective/ 40 comments
- Some notes on using nix https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/02/28/some-notes-on-using-nix/ 38 comments
- How I use Nix on macOS | Fatih's Personal Blog https://blog.6nok.org/how-i-use-nix-on-macos/ 34 comments
- Upgrade your Development Environments with Devbox | Alan Norbauer https://alan.norbauer.com/articles/devbox-intro 33 comments
- devenv 1.0: Rewrite in Rust - devenv https://devenv.sh/blog/2023/03/20/devenv-10-rewrite-in-rust/ 33 comments
- Hello world: devenv 0.1 - devenv https://devenv.sh/blog/2022/11/11/hello-world-devenv-01/ 20 comments
- Modular Neovim with Nix https://juuso.dev/blogPosts/modular-neovim/modular-neovim-with-nix.html 7 comments
- GitHub - cachix/nixpkgs-python: All Python versions, kept up-to-date on hourly basis using Nix. https://github.com/cachix/nixpkgs-python 6 comments
- An Introduction to Nix for Ruby Developers | AppSignal Blog https://blog.appsignal.com/2024/08/07/an-introduction-to-nix-for-ruby-developers.html 6 comments
- Building a semantic movie search demo with pgvector and Next.js | Fatih's Personal Blog https://blog.6nok.org/building-a-semantic-movie-search-demo-with-pgvector-and-next.js 5 comments
- devenv 1.0: Rewrite in Rust - devenv https://devenv.sh/blog/2024/03/20/devenv-10-rewrite-in-rust/ 4 comments
- GitHub - professional-username/yaht: Yet Another Hyperparameter Tuning tool https://github.com/professional-username/yaht 4 comments
- GitHub - YPares/envil: envil forges Nix flakes and manages stacked environments https://github.com/YPares/envil/ 2 comments
- GitHub - dustinlyons/nixos-config: Nix configuration for MacOS and NixOS w/ starter templates + step-by-step guides ✨ https://github.com/dustinlyons/nixos-config 1 comment
- Automated, Reproducible and Secure Development & CI environments: Package Management (1/3) https://blog.crafteo.io/2023/08/31/automated-reproducible-and-secure-development-ci-environments-package-management-1-3/ 1 comment
- Nightly Rust development with Nix | Paperless https://paperless.blog/nightly-rust-development-with-nix 1 comment
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