- Do you know a tutorial that exaplains how to allow CRUD API calls offline in a React PWA? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API 12 comments reactjs
- [help] Sites like Twitter and Robinhood are not loading properly at first. They're only showing me blank pages with the company logo in the center of the page https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API 5 comments chrome
Linking pages
- The web just gets better with Interop 2024 | WebKit https://webkit.org/blog/14955/the-web-just-gets-better-with-interop/ 198 comments
- GitHub - DustinBrett/daedalOS: Desktop environment in the browser https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS 174 comments
- Building a Single-Page App with htmx | jakelazaroff.com https://jakelazaroff.com/words/building-a-single-page-app-with-htmx/ 151 comments
- GitHub - rhysd/vim.wasm: Vim editor ported to WebAssembly https://github.com/rhysd/vim.wasm 132 comments
- Safari 15 bug can leak your recent browsing activity and personal identifiers - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/16/22886809/safari-15-bug-leak-browsing-history-personal-information 116 comments
- The web browser I'm dreaming of https://dustri.org/b/the-web-browser-im-dreaming-of.html 113 comments
- Page Lifecycle API - Chrome Developers https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/07/page-lifecycle-api 82 comments
- Integrate PWAs into built-in sharing UIs with Workbox https://web.dev/workbox-share-targets/ 82 comments
- GitHub - schlagmichdoch/PairDrop: PairDrop: Local file sharing in your browser. Inspired by Apple's AirDrop. Fork of Snapdrop. https://github.com/schlagmichdoch/PairDrop 77 comments
- Stealing private keys from a secure file sharing service · Tim Visée https://timvisee.com/blog/stealing-private-keys-from-secure-file-sharing-service/ 71 comments
- Moving beyond localStorage. It’s hard to believe that as of 2016… | by Mo | Standard Journal https://journal.standardnotes.org/moving-beyond-localstorage-991e3695be15 58 comments
- GitHub - gruns/ImmortalDB: A relentless key-value store for the browser. https://github.com/gruns/ImmortalDB 49 comments
- Why and how I built my own alternative of the GitHub's UI http://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/why-and-how-i-built-my-own-github 44 comments
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- GitHub - dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development https://github.com/dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev 32 comments
- Instant Loading Web Apps With An Application Shell Architecture | by Addy Osmani | Google Developers | Medium https://medium.com/@addyosmani/instant-loading-web-apps-with-an-application-shell-architecture-7c0c2f10c73#.anv85ievd 31 comments
- Using asynchronous web APIs from WebAssembly https://web.dev/asyncify/ 30 comments
- What's new in IndexedDB 2.0? - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2016/10/whats-new-in-indexeddb-2-0/ 30 comments
- Desktop-like SPA Architecture https://blog.uidrafter.com/engineering/architecture-of-a-desktop-alike-spa 27 comments
- How I Built a Cross-Platform Desktop Application with Svelte, Redis, and Rust | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks https://css-tricks.com/how-i-built-a-cross-platform-desktop-application-with-svelte-redis-and-rust/ 22 comments
Linked pages
- PouchDB, the JavaScript Database that Syncs! https://pouchdb.com/ 186 comments
- RxDB - A client side, offline-first, reactive database for JavaScript Applications https://rxdb.info/ 19 comments
- Dexie.js - Minimalistic IndexedDB Wrapper http://www.dexie.org/ 6 comments
- JsStore - Think in SQL and do in JS http://jsstore.net/ 0 comments
- localForage https://localforage.github.io/localForage/ 0 comments
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