Hacker News
- Copilot under fire as dev claims it emits 'large chunks of my copyrighted code' https://devclass.com/2022/10/17/github-copilot-under-fire-as-dev-claims-it-emits-large-chunks-of-my-copyrighted-code/ 268 comments
- GitHub Copilot under fire as dev claims it emits ‘large chunks of my copyrighted code’ https://devclass.com/2022/10/17/github-copilot-under-fire-as-dev-claims-it-emits-large-chunks-of-my-copyrighted-code/ 252 comments webdev
Linking pages
- Python programmers prepare for pumped-up performance • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2021/05/06/python-programmers-prepare-for-pumped-up-performance/ 116 comments
- Node.js creator Ryan Dahl urges Oracle to release JavaScript trademark • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2022/09/05/node-js-creator-ryan-dahl-urges-oracle-to-release-javascript-trademark/?td=rt-3a 50 comments
- CUDA, woulda … did: Nvidia makes CUDA 11 generally available, mostly pushing its next-gen architecture • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2020/07/08/cuda-11-generally-available/ 8 comments
- Memray https://devclass.com/2022/05/12/core-dev-memray-memory-profiler/ 2 comments
- AI-generated music is Russian roulette for copyright law https://www.clicktrack.fm/p/ai-music-copyright-stable-diffusion 1 comment
- AssemblyScript project: WASI damages open standards and the web • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2022/09/08/assemblyscript-project-wasi-damages-open-standards-and-the-web/ 0 comments
- Snakes in a box: Google open-sources Atheris Python Fuzzer • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2020/12/07/google-python-fuzzing-atheris/ 0 comments
- AWS introduces PartiQL to tear down walls between SQL and NoSQL • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2019/08/05/aws-introduces-partiql-to-tear-down-walls-between-sql-and-nosql/ 0 comments
- KotlinDL 0.2: Deep learning framework for JVM progresses • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2021/05/20/kotlindl-0-2-deep-learning-framework-for-jvm-progresses/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- GitHub Copilot · Your AI pair programmer · GitHub https://github.com/features/copilot 1062 comments
- Tim Davis on Twitter: "@github copilot, with "public code" blocked, emits large chunks of my copyrighted code, with no attribution, no LGPL license. For example, the simple prompt "sparse matrix transpose, cs_" produces my cs_transpose in CSparse. My code on left, github on right. Not OK. https://t.co/sqpOThi8nf" / Twitter https://twitter.com/docsparse/status/1581461734665367554 775 comments
- Rust 1.65 nearly done, including stable Generic Associated Types • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2022/11/01/rust-1-65-nearly-done-including-stable-generic-associated-types/ 2 comments
- Microsoft: Platform Invoke in .NET 7.0 sweeps away 'old weird behaviors' in fundamental shift • DEVCLASS https://devclass.com/2022/11/14/microsoft-platform-invoke-in-net-7-0-sweeps-away-old-weird-behaviors-in-fundamental-shift/ 0 comments
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