Hacker News
- Google Cloud Platform – The Good, Bad, and Ugly https://www.deps.co/blog/google-cloud-platform-good-bad-ugly/ 195 comments
- Google Cloud Platform - The Good, Bad, and Ugly (It's Mostly Good) https://www.deps.co/blog/google-cloud-platform-good-bad-ugly/ 12 comments devops
- Google Cloud Platform - The Good, Bad, and Ugly (It's Mostly Good) https://www.deps.co/blog/google-cloud-platform-good-bad-ugly/ 5 comments programming
- Google Cloud Platform - The Good, Bad, and Ugly (It's Mostly Good) https://www.deps.co/blog/google-cloud-platform-good-bad-ugly/ 5 comments googlecloud
Linking pages
- Why I think GCP is better than AWS | by Fernando Villalba | Medium https://nandovillalba.medium.com/why-i-think-gcp-is-better-than-aws-ea78f9975bda 497 comments
- GitHub - sderosiaux/every-single-day-i-tldr: A daily digest of the articles or videos I've found interesting, that I want to share with you. https://github.com/sderosiaux/every-single-day-i-tldr 0 comments
Linked pages
- Why you should not use Google Cloud. | by Punch a Server | Medium https://medium.com/@serverpunch/why-you-should-not-use-google-cloud-75ea2aec00de 1352 comments
- Kubernetes https://kubernetes.io 220 comments
- Google Cloud Platform Blog: Introducing Jib — build Java Docker images better https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/07/introducing-jib-build-java-docker-images-better.html 123 comments
- Google · GitHub https://github.com/google/ 85 comments
- Twilio Segment Blog https://segment.com/blog/secure-access-to-100-aws-accounts 54 comments
- EnvKey - Secure configuration management. https://www.envkey.com 50 comments
- Cloud Armor Network Security | Google Cloud Armor https://cloud.google.com/armor/ 50 comments
- Encryption in transit | Documentation | Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/security/encryption-in-transit/ 32 comments
- Pricing | Cloud Monitoring | Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver/pricing#pricing-alerting 31 comments
- Amazon's 'schizophrenic' open source selfishness scares off potential talent, say insiders • The Register http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/22/amazon_open_source_investigation/ 29 comments
- GitHub - google/gvisor: Application Kernel for Containers https://github.com/google/gvisor 24 comments
- OpenCensus https://opencensus.io/ 20 comments
- Abusing the AWS metadata service using SSRF vulnerabilities - Christophe Tafani-Dereeper https://blog.christophetd.fr/abusing-aws-metadata-service-using-ssrf-vulnerabilities/ 18 comments
- Fully Managed Apache Kafka – Amazon MSK – Amazon Web Services https://aws.amazon.com/msk/ 15 comments
- Spanner: The secret to Cloud Storage strong list consistency | Google Cloud Blog http://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/02/how-Google-Cloud-Storage-offers-strongly-consistent-object-listing-thanks-to-Spanner.html 14 comments
- Introducing AWS Landing Zone https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2018/06/introducing-aws-landing-zone/ 13 comments
- Pub/Sub for Application & Data Integration | Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/ 12 comments
- Sustained use discounts | Compute Engine Documentation | Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/sustained-use-discounts 12 comments
- Memorystore: in-memory data store | Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/ 5 comments
- Request routing to a multi-region external HTTPS load balancer | Load Balancing | Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/https/setting-up-https 4 comments
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