Hacker News
- Why do so few people major in computer science? (2017) https://danwang.co/why-so-few-computer-science-majors/ 291 comments
- Why do so few people major in computer science? (2017) https://danwang.co/why-so-few-computer-science-majors/ 423 comments
- Why do so few people major in computer science? (2017) https://danwang.co/why-so-few-computer-science-majors/ 73 comments
- Why do so few people major in computer science? https://danwang.co/why-so-few-computer-science-majors/ 365 comments programming
- Why do so few people major in computer science? http://danwang.co/why-so-few-computer-science-majors/ 23 comments compsci
Linking pages
- Build stuff! | why.degree https://why.degree/motivation/ 199 comments
- Star athlete or engineer? The Big Five in tech are paying like the Big Four in sports - Adam C. Conrad https://adamconrad.dev/blog/the-big-four-sports-or-tech-companies/ 47 comments
- The Social Network Was The Most Important Movie of All Time | by Byrne Hobart | Medium https://byrnehobart.medium.com/the-social-network-was-the-most-important-movie-of-all-time-9f91f66018d7 0 comments
- Why aren’t there more software engineers? | Blair Reeves http://blairreeves.me/2019/01/18/why-arent-there-more-software-engineers/ 0 comments
- Why aren’t there more software engineers? | Blair Reeves http://blairreeves.me/2019/01/18/why-arent-there-more-software-engineers/?resubmit=hn 0 comments
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