Hacker News
- Wednesday's lunar eclipse will be special http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2014/1006/Why-Wednesday-s-lunar-eclipse-will-be-so-special-video 7 comments
- SCIENCE Why Wednesday's lunar eclipse will be so special (+video) The refraction of light as it passes through the atmosphere during Wednesday morning's eclipse will create a 'selenelion,' allowing viewers to see the sun rise in the east as the eclipsed moon sets in the west. http://www.csmonitor.com/science/2014/1006/why-wednesday-s-lunar-eclipse-will-be-so-special-video 9 comments science
Linked pages
- Space.com: NASA, Space Exploration and Astronomy News https://space.com 152 comments
- Total Lunar Eclipse On Wednesday Will Be a Rare 'Selenelion' | Space http://www.space.com/27338-total-lunar-eclipse-rare-sunrise-selenelion.html?cmpid=514630_20141006_32896506 65 comments
- First Total Lunar Eclipse of 2014: The Complete Skywatcher's Guide | Space http://www.space.com/25479-total-lunar-eclipse-2014-skywatching-guide.html 0 comments
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