- GOP's Muslim moment: why Trump, Carson are so unsettling to party - "In other words, there is evidence that what many Republicans of today want on a host of key issues runs counter to what the emerging America of tomorrow would appear to want" http://csmonitor.com/usa/politics/2015/0920/gop-s-muslim-moment-why-trump-carson-are-so-unsettling-to-party 7 comments politics
Linked pages
- Ben Carson says a Muslim shouldn’t be president. Many Americans agree. - The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/09/20/ben-carson-says-a-muslim-shouldnt-be-president-many-americans-agree/ 349 comments
- Misperceptions about Barack Obama's faith still exist | CNN Politics http://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/13/politics/barack-obama-religion-christian-misperceptions/index.html 127 comments
- http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2015/ppp_release_national_90115.pdf 32 comments
- The GOP’s Millennial problem runs deep | Pew Research Center http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/09/25/the-gops-millennial-problem-runs-deep/ 17 comments
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- Opinion | Morning Plum: Donald Trump wants to tax the rich. Will Republican voters agree with him? - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2015/08/28/morning-plum-donald-trump-wants-to-tax-the-rich-will-republican-voters-agree-with-him/ 14 comments
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