Hacker News
- Why is learning functional programming so damned hard? (2019) https://cscalfani.medium.com/why-is-learning-functional-programming-so-damned-hard-bfd00202a7d1 383 comments
- Why is Learning Functional Programming So Damned Hard? https://cscalfani.medium.com/why-is-learning-functional-programming-so-damned-hard-bfd00202a7d1 92 comments haskell
- Why is Learning Functional Programming So Damned Hard? https://medium.com/@cscalfani/why-is-learning-functional-programming-so-damned-hard-bfd00202a7d1 48 comments programming
- Why is Learning Functional Programming So Damned Hard? https://medium.com/@cscalfani/why-is-learning-functional-programming-so-damned-hard-bfd00202a7d1 30 comments coding
- "Why is Learning Functional Programming So Damned Hard?" by Charles Scalfani (20 Nov 2019, 21 min read) https://medium.com/@cscalfani/why-is-learning-functional-programming-so-damned-hard-bfd00202a7d1 11 comments scala
- Why is Learning Functional Programming So Damned Hard? https://medium.com/@cscalfani/why-is-learning-functional-programming-so-damned-hard-bfd00202a7d1 17 comments elm
Linked pages
- Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming | by Charles Scalfani | Medium https://cscalfani.medium.com/goodbye-object-oriented-programming-a59cda4c0e53 460 comments
- home https://elm-lang.org/ 285 comments
- So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1) | by Charles Scalfani | Medium https://medium.com/@cscalfani/so-you-want-to-be-a-functional-programmer-part-1-1f15e387e536 212 comments
- Why Experts Make Bad Teachers. We’d all agree that to teach a subject… | by Charles Scalfani | Medium https://medium.com/@cscalfani/why-experts-make-bad-teachers-ccaed2df029b#.75uxagozm 67 comments
- Ramda Documentation http://ramdajs.com/ 63 comments
- Functional Programming⦠by Charles Scalfani [PDF/iPad/Kindle] https://leanpub.com/fp-made-easier 14 comments
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