Hacker News
- Crystal Programming Language https://crystal-lang.org/ 112 comments
- The Crystal Programming Language https://crystal-lang.org/ 73 comments
- Crystal Language http://crystal-lang.org/ 171 comments
- Crystal: the programming language http://crystal-lang.org/ 51 comments
- The Crystal Programming Language http://crystal-lang.org/ 7 comments
- Crystal Language http://crystal-lang.org/ 13 comments programming
- Crystal 1.12 came with a brand new website https://crystal-lang.org 7 comments programming
- Do you think Crystal has a future in the Ruby community? https://crystal-lang.org/ 30 comments ruby
- Expectations of a crypto API https://crystal-lang.org 9 comments crypto
- Crystal 0.24.1 has been released and is available on Homebrew, Debian, ... https://crystal-lang.org/ 20 comments programming
- If you are frustrated with Go give Crystal a try. It has generics, union types, macros, friendly syntax, compiles to fast native code but feels like a scripting language. https://crystal-lang.org/ 265 comments programming
- Fast as C, slick as Ruby https://crystal-lang.org/ 5 comments webdev
- Crystal has a new Website! https://crystal-lang.org/ 25 comments programming
- Crystal - a statically typed, natively compiled language with Ruby-like syntax. http://crystal-lang.org 30 comments programming
- Crystal - Ruby inspired syntax, compiled to efficient native code http://crystal-lang.org/ 73 comments programming
Linking pages
- Go vs Rust: Writing a CLI tool - cuchi.me https://cuchi.me/posts/go-vs-rust 753 comments
- An Introduction to Crystal: Fast as C, Slick as Ruby | Cloudbees Blog https://blog.codeship.com/an-introduction-to-crystal-fast-as-c-slick-as-ruby/ 527 comments
- Learning to Read x86 Assembly Language - Pat Shaughnessy http://patshaughnessy.net/2016/11/26/learning-to-read-x86-assembly-language 395 comments
- ð¤ So you're using a weird language ð§ https://morepablo.com/2022/09/so-you-re-using-a-weird-language.html 325 comments
- GitHub - phil294/AHK_X11: AutoHotkey for Linux (X11-based systems) https://github.com/phil294/AHK_X11 278 comments
- dave yarwood · Taskwarrior, where have you been all my life? https://blog.djy.io/taskwarrior-where-have-you-been-all-my-life/ 239 comments
- To Learn a New Language, Read Its Standard Library - Pat Shaughnessy http://patshaughnessy.net/2021/10/23/to-learn-a-new-language-read-its-standard-library 236 comments
- 💎Crystal the language for humans💎 - by Diego Crespo https://www.deusinmachina.net/p/a-look-at-the-crystal-programming 208 comments
- Why Crystal is the most promising programming language of 2018 | by Sam Johnson | Medium https://medium.com/@durosoft/why-crystal-is-the-most-promising-programming-language-of-2018-aad669d8344f 168 comments
- Writing a Microservice in Rust – Peter Goldsborough https://www.goldsborough.me/rust/web/tutorial/2018/01/20/17-01-11-writing_a_microservice_in_rust/ 156 comments
- Ruby vs Crystal Performance â Pavel Timofeev https://ptimofeev.com/ruby-vs-crystal-performance/ 154 comments
- Void Linux (musl) on the Huawei MateBook X Pro - Bit Cannon https://bitcannon.net/post/huawei-matebook-x-pro-void-linux/ 133 comments
- Writing GUI apps using the Red Programming Language https://wesleyhill.co.uk/p/writing-gui-apps-using-the-red-programming-language/ 126 comments
- GitHub - artagnon/rhine: 🔬 a C++ compiler middle-end, using an LLVM backend https://github.com/artagnon/rhine 123 comments
- GitHub - analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis: ⚙️ A curated list of static analysis (SAST) tools and linters for all programming languages, config files, build tools, and more. The focus is on tools which improve code quality. https://github.com/analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis 112 comments
- Svelte is unappealing :: Ryan Prior — dot com https://www.ryanprior.com/posts/svelte-is-unappealing/ 93 comments
- GitHub - kilimchoi/engineering-blogs: A curated list of engineering blogs https://github.com/kilimchoi/engineering-blogs 66 comments
- Crystal — the Ruby you’ve never heard of | by Stanislav Kozlovski | HackerNoon.com | Medium https://medium.com/@stanislavkozlovski/crystal-the-ruby-youve-never-heard-of-57bad2efac9c 61 comments
- GitHub - jasonl99/card_game: An demo app for lattice-core https://github.com/jasonl99/card_game 58 comments
- GitHub - costajob/app-servers: App Servers benchmarked for: Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Dart, Elixir, Java, Crystal, Nim, GO, Rust https://github.com/costajob/app-servers 49 comments
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