- What to do with a crate that still uses unstable features, but could be modified to run on stable? https://crates.io/crates/rusqlite 9 comments rust
Linking pages
- GitHub - rust-db/refinery: Powerful SQL migration toolkit for Rust. https://github.com/rust-db/refinery 73 comments
- Carefully exploring Rust as a Python developer https://karimjedda.com/carefully-exploring-rust/ 71 comments
- GitHub - bikeshedder/deadpool: Dead simple pool implementation for rust with async-await https://github.com/bikeshedder/deadpool/ 17 comments
- Michael de Silva - Senior Developer in Rails/React/Node JS + Python/Rust/C++ & Accomplished eCommerce & DevOps/SaaS/PaaS Architect with Amazon Web Services (AWS) & Google Cloud Platform (GCP). https://desilva.io/posts/toasty-an-async-orm-for-rust 13 comments
- Little libraries | Huon on the internet http://huonw.github.io/blog/2015/04/little-libraries/ 12 comments
- GitHub - SeaQL/sea-query: 🔱 A dynamic SQL query builder for MySQL, Postgres and SQLite https://github.com/SeaQL/sea-query 11 comments
- Making Unsafe Rust a Little Safer: Tools for Verifying Unsafe Code, Including Libraries in C and C++ https://blog.colinbreck.com/making-unsafe-rust-a-little-safer-tools-for-verifying-unsafe-code/ 11 comments
- GitHub - rusqlite/rusqlite: Ergonomic bindings to SQLite for Rust https://github.com/jgallagher/rusqlite 10 comments
- GitHub - raspi/github-stats: Generate GitHub traffic statistics charts https://github.com/raspi/github-stats 2 comments
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