Hacker News
- The Rust community's crate host https://crates.io/ 139 comments
- Cargo, Rust's Package Manager http://crates.io 120 comments
- Rust's central repository is up! https://crates.io/ 12 comments programming , rust
- criteria for establishing rust popularity? https://crates.io 9 comments rust
- Problem understanding Crates https://crates.io 7 comments rust
- What should I publish in crates.io? https://crates.io 29 comments rust
- Fundamental - finding out who you can fund in dependency tree https://crates.io 3 comments rust
- Choosing a Proper Crate to Work With https://crates.io 3 comments rust
- Compiling crates.io packages on rust https://crates.io 2 comments rust
- I made my first crate, feedback please? https://crates.io 3 comments rust
- CSV to SQLite https://crates.io 4 comments rust
- Introducing tracing-newrelic https://crates.io 2 comments rust
- Looking for an image manipulation library that can add text to images. (and has documentation for it) https://crates.io/ 7 comments rust
- PSA: Awesome new (?) crates.io design https://crates.io 23 comments rust
- Using rust for my masters thesis https://crates.io/ 6 comments rust
- What's the standard way to use the internals of another module on crates.io? https://crates.io 7 comments rust
- What's the state of Legion (ECS) development? Is it safe to depend on? https://crates.io 12 comments rust_gamedev
- How do I go about reading/understanding a Crate's source code? https://crates.io 16 comments rust
- My first library (for printing a progress bar while iterating ) https://crates.io 4 comments rust
- Looking for Open Source Rust Projects that make heavy use of Channels for Software Engineering Research https://crates.io 8 comments rust
- How to organize a repository for a large collection of binaries/libraries? https://crates.io 5 comments rust
- Using custom license on crates.io ? https://crates.io 13 comments rust
- Meuse, a free crate registry, 0.2.0 release: S3 backend and crates.io mirroring https://crates.io 7 comments rust
- Rust 2020: are we compile yet? are we cache yet? are we doc yet? https://crates.io 61 comments rust
- Help Choosing an Error Handling Crate https://crates.io 15 comments rust
- cargo_meta: procedural macro for embedding data from the Cargo manifest https://crates.io 3 comments rust
- Question: Managing Cargo/Crates.io versions in interaction with Git. https://crates.io 7 comments rust
- Announcement: New crate "num-format" https://crates.io 21 comments rust
- New crate: coercible_errors https://crates.io 9 comments rust
- Rust 2019 wish-list https://crates.io 8 comments rust
- Digital Signal Processing Libraries? https://crates.io 5 comments rust
- Who is using my crate? https://crates.io 29 comments rust
- Is there a zero-copy csv parser for generic csv available? https://crates.io 29 comments rust
- Alternatives to futures? https://crates.io 23 comments rust
- Linking gitlab repo to crates.io https://crates.io 8 comments rust
- Examples of Tokio based applications ? https://crates.io 5 comments rust
- Crates.io passes 2^12 crates in stock https://crates.io/ 18 comments rust
- Crates.io stocks its 3,000th crate https://crates.io/ 6 comments rust
- crates.io has passed 1M downloads https://crates.io/ 4 comments rust
- Package manager for executable packages? http://crates.io 14 comments rust
- Rust's central package repository is up https://crates.io/ 101 comments programming
- Crates.io has shipped! https://crates.io/ 104 comments rust
Linking pages
- LogLog Games https://loglog.games/blog/leaving-rust-gamedev/ 1932 comments
- Async Rust Is A Bad Language https://bitbashing.io/async-rust.html 797 comments
- Go vs Rust: Writing a CLI tool - cuchi.me https://cuchi.me/posts/go-vs-rust 753 comments
- Thoughts on Rust bloat | Raph Levien’s blog https://raphlinus.github.io/rust/2019/08/21/rust-bloat.html 641 comments
- The Rust Platform · Aaron Turon https://aturon.github.io/blog/2016/07/27/rust-platform/ 555 comments
- Rust and the Future of Systems Programming - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2016/11/rust-and-the-future-of-systems-programming/ 486 comments
- Backdooring Rust crates for fun and profit https://kerkour.com/rust-crate-backdoor/ 445 comments
- The Path to Rust :: Jon Gjengset https://thesquareplanet.com/blog/the-path-to-rust/ 330 comments
- The bane of my existence: Supporting both async and sync code in Rust | NullDeref https://nullderef.com/blog/rust-async-sync/ 312 comments
- Comparing Rust and Java — Llogiq on stuff https://llogiq.github.io/2016/02/28/java-rust.html 308 comments
- Rust for Clojurists · GitHub https://gist.github.com/oakes/4af1023b6c5162c6f8f0 300 comments
- Smoke-testing Rust HTTP clients. Back in 2014 I was fetching frontpages… | by Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff | Medium https://medium.com/@shnatsel/smoke-testing-rust-http-clients-b8f2ee5db4e6 281 comments
- Improving Rust compile times to enable adoption of memory safety - Prossimo https://www.memorysafety.org/blog/remy-rakic-compile-times/ 260 comments
- How not to learn Rust https://dystroy.org/blog/how-not-to-learn-rust/ 249 comments
- GitHub - cristicbz/rust-doom: A Doom Renderer written in Rust. https://github.com/cristicbz/rust-doom?updated= 235 comments
- AWS’ sponsorship of the Rust project | AWS Open Source Blog https://aws.amazon.com/pt/blogs/opensource/aws-sponsorship-of-the-rust-project/ 231 comments
- I have written a JVM in Rust · Andrea Bergia's Website https://andreabergia.com/blog/2023/07/i-have-written-a-jvm-in-rust/ 226 comments
- The Great Rewriting In Rust – De Programmatica Ipsum https://deprogrammaticaipsum.com/the-great-rewriting-in-rust/ 218 comments
- Writing a small ray tracer in Rust and Zig // My thought repository https://nelari.us/post/raytracer_with_rust_and_zig/ 216 comments
- I built a garbage collector for a language that doesn’t need one | clayt https://claytonwramsey.github.io/2023/08/14/dumpster.html 208 comments
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