- Austria, Belgium, and Sweden have stopped using coal to generate electricity. Why can't the rest of the world follow suit? https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/03/world/coal-climate-cop26-global-china-australia-intl/index.html 4 comments environment
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- Willow Project: White House eyes concessions to climate advocates amid petition and social media campaign | CNN Politics https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/02/politics/willow-project-petition-concessions-biden-climate/index.html 8 comments
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- Australia election: The 'lucky country' is facing a climate crisis test. The result will affect us all | CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/17/australia/australia-election-climate-crisis-intl-hnk-dst/index.html 2 comments
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- West Virginia's reliance on coal is getting more expensive, and Joe Manchin's constituents are footing the bill | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/19/politics/west-virginia-coal-rates-manchin-climate/index.html 45 comments
- Was that extreme weather caused by climate change? Scientists can now say âyesâ with confidence https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/08/world/extreme-weather-climate-change/ 24 comments
- No New Coal by 2021 - E3G https://www.e3g.org/publications/no-new-coal/ 13 comments
- UN shames Australia on climate as nation stands by coal 'beyond 2030' | CNN Business https://edition.cnn.com/2021/09/06/business/australia-warned-climate-coal-intl-hnk/index.html 1 comment
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