- Analysis: As Covid cases rise, some conservatives make surprising course correction on vaccine ahead of 2022 midterms https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/24/politics/republicans-covid-vaccines-2022-midterms/index.html 22 comments politics
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- Breaking News, Latest News and Videos | CNN https://www.cnn.com 108893 comments
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- Donald and Melania Trump received Covid vaccine at the White House in January | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/01/politics/trump-melania-vaccinated-white-house/index.html 54 comments
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- Kay Ivey, Alabama Republican governor, says 'start blaming the unvaccinated folks' for rise in Covid cases | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/23/politics/alabama-governor-kay-ivey-unvaccinated-covid/index.html 33 comments
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