- A polar bear was spray-painted with graffiti. Experts fear it won't survive https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/04/asia/russian-polar-bear-t-34-spray-paint-intl-hnk-scli/index.html 14 comments nottheonion
- A polar bear was spray-painted with graffiti. Experts fear it won't survive https://edition.cnn.com/2019/12/04/asia/russian-polar-bear-t-34-spray-paint-intl-hnk-scli/index.html 7 comments worldnews
Linking pages
- Polar bears are getting thinner and having fewer cubs, a new study says | CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/14/world/polar-bears-thinner-fewer-cubs-scn-trnd/index.html 64 comments
- Polar bears are getting thinner and having fewer cubs, a new study says | CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/14/world/polar-bears-thinner-fewer-cubs-scn-trnd/index.html?amp%3B_hsenc=p2anqtz-_j-w7ctfbkjjdq6nu8y5a8bbcxhqqv6blddzay6mw2b9lihq3ezkignfkxhkul7y-_rxmoorkrdhctudj4hayoiwpltw&%3B_hsmi=83502224&%3Butm_content=83502224&%3Butm_medium=email&%3Butm_source=hs_email 17 comments
Linked pages
- Breaking News, Latest News and Videos | CNN https://www.cnn.com 108889 comments
- 'Exhausted' polar bear found prowling for food in Russian village, 400 miles from home | CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2019/04/18/health/polar-bear-exhausted-russia-scli-intl/index.html 5 comments
- Welcome to Great Big Story | We're Coming Back! - Great Big Story http://www.greatbigstory.com/ 3 comments
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