- Trump says GOP will be the party of health care but provides no plan https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/26/politics/donald-trump-gop-party-of-health-care/index.html 4 comments politics
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- Donald Trump backs down on health care after GOP revolt. https://slate.com/business/2019/04/donald-trump-backs-down-health-care-gop-revolt.html 304 comments
- Opinion | Trump just handed Pelosi the best birthday gift she could ask for - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-is-once-again-leading-his-party-over-a-cliff-on-health-care/2019/03/26/334ac334-4fdc-11e9-a3f7-78b7525a8d5f_story.html 28 comments
- Fact-checking the 2020 State of the Union | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/04/politics/fact-check-trump-state-of-the-union-2020/index.html 24 comments
- Donald Trump and the White House's snubs to Congress have both parties aghast | CNN Politics https://edition.cnn.com/2019/04/15/politics/congress-investigations-white-house/index.html 19 comments
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- Breaking News, Latest News and Videos | CNN https://www.cnn.com 108889 comments
- Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/25/politics/trump-administration-aca/index.html 502 comments
- Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal | CNN Politics http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/26/politics/health-care-bill-wednesday/index.html 10 comments
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