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- reddit: the front page of the internet https://www.reddit.com/ 2911 comments
- Reddit - Dive into anything https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/ 955 comments
- Welcome to Python.org https://python.org 624 comments
- The Scala Programming Language http://scala-lang.org/ 193 comments
- The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines | Django https://www.djangoproject.com/ 126 comments
- http://pico.vub.ac.be/~wdmeuter/rdl04/papers/meijer.pdf 104 comments
- http://python.net/~goodger/projects/pycon/2007/idiomatic/handout.html 92 comments
- Dive Into Python http://www.diveintopython.org/toc/index.html 84 comments
- BeanShell - Lightweight Scripting for Java http://beanshell.org/ 54 comments
- http://java.sun.com/ 41 comments
- Closures (Lambda Expressions) for the Java Programming Language http://www.javac.info/ 23 comments
- http://groovy.codehaus.org 15 comments
- Loading... http://www.fightingquaker.com/pyanno/ 8 comments
- Wing Python IDE - Designed for Python http://wingware.com/ 5 comments
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