Hacker News
- What's the Matter with San Francisco? http://www.citylab.com/housing/2015/07/whats-the-matter-with-san-francisco/399506/ 91 comments
- We are watching the old San Francisco slip away before our eyes, every time a housing unit goes on the market at a price so high that no organizer, writer, activist, or artist could dream of affording it. The unlikely villain in this affordability crisis is the city's famed progressive politics. http://www.citylab.com/housing/2015/07/whats-the-matter-with-san-francisco/399506/ 51 comments economy
Linking pages
- Broken Promises: The Housing Market in San Francisco (And Ten Ideas to Fix It) - Zac Townsend http://blog.zactownsend.com/broken-promises-the-housing-market-in-san-francisco-and-ten-ideas-to-fix-it 230 comments
- San Francisco's Housing Activists Are Making the City More Expensive - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/12/san-francisco-is-confused-about-the-villain-thats-making-it-unaffordable/422091/?single_page=true 2 comments
- Broken Promises: The Housing Market in San Francisco (And Ten Ideas to Fix It) | by Zac Townsend | Medium https://medium.com/@ztownsend/broken-promises-the-housing-market-in-san-francisco-and-ten-ideas-to-fix-it-8e9d43328fb9#.xl266hj2u 1 comment
- Vote Effectively for Housing in San Francisco | by Grow San Francisco | Extra Newsfeed https://medium.com/@grow_SF/how-1-vote-for-housing-in-san-francisco-hundreds-of-votes-over-the-next-4-years-3311da89b3f9#.n95ddqhg0 0 comments
- San Francisco is requiring solar panels on all new buildings. But here's a much greener idea. - Vox http://www.vox.com/2016/4/20/11467110/san-francisco-solar-density 0 comments
- It’s Time for Tech to Vote. The Bay Area is known for two things… | by Jeff Fong | Medium https://medium.com/@J_AndradeFong/it-s-time-for-tech-to-vote-2071fea44a6f 0 comments
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