Hacker News
- Data isn't just being collected from your phone, it's being used to score you https://www.chron.com/opinion/article/Data-isn-t-just-being-collected-from-your-phone-15449776.php 159 comments
- Data isn't just being collected from your phone. It's being used to score you https://www.chron.com/opinion/article/Data-isn-t-just-being-collected-from-your-phone-15449776.php 18 comments privacy
Linked pages
- Why is Credit Karma Tax free? Follow the data. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/03/07/when-tax-prep-is-free-you-may-be-paying-with-your-privacy/ 10 comments
- Opinion | ‘Surveillance capitalism’ has gone rogue. We must curb its excesses. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/surveillance-capitalism-has-gone-rogue-we-must-curb-its-excesses/2019/01/24/be463f48-1ffa-11e9-9145-3f74070bbdb9_story.html 3 comments
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