Hacker News
- ChocoPy: A Programming Language for Compilers Courses https://chocopy.org/ 3 comments compilers , plt
Linking pages
- GitHub - oxalorg/sakura: :cherry_blossom: a minimal css framework/theme. https://github.com/oxalorg/sakura 158 comments
- GitHub - yangdanny97/chocopy-python-compiler: Ahead-of-time compiler for Chocopy, a subset of Python 3. Built in Python. https://github.com/yangdanny97/chocopy-python-compiler 1 comment
- GitHub - yangdanny97/chocopy-python-compiler: Ahead-of-time compiler for Chocopy, a subset of Python 3. Built in Python. https://github.com/yangdanny97/chocopy-python-frontend 1 comment
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