- Reflective reasoning is deliberate, conscious thinking about thinking. Sometimes reflective reasoning helps. Alas, sometimes it doesn’t. (And sometimes it hurts.) A good account of reflective reasoning should explain why reflective reasoning sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. https://www.byrdnick.com/archives/11559/what-is-reflective-reasoning 94 comments philosophy
Linking pages
- Why Critical Reasoning Might Not Require Self-knowledge | Nick Byrd, Ph.D. https://byrdnick.com/archives/11762/critical-reasoning-self-knowledge-tyler-burge 64 comments
- On Whether Reflection Is A Skill | Nick Byrd, Ph.D. https://byrdnick.com/archives/15946/on-whether-reflection-is-a-skill 10 comments
- The Roles of Intuition & Reflection in Skill & Expertise | Nick Byrd, Philosopher-Scientist https://byrdnick.com/archives/11572/intuition-reflection-skill-expertise-montero-dreyfus 9 comments
Linked pages
- Google https://www.google.com/ 17595 comments
- The Appeal to Intuition: A Fallacy? | Nick Byrd, Philosopher-Scientist https://www.byrdnick.com/archives/4318/appeal-to-nature-appeal-to-intuition-fallacy 234 comments
- Nick Byrd, Intuitive And Reflective Responses In Philosophy - PhilPapers https://philpapers.org/rec/byriar 210 comments
- What Christopher Peacocke means by 'Reflective Self-consciousness' | Nick Byrd, Ph.D. https://byrdnick.com/archives/11793/christopher-peacocke-reflective-self-consciousness 9 comments
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