- Trump frequently accuses the far-left of inciting violence, yet right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7 632 comments politics
- Right-wing extremists kill 329 people since 1994, antifa have killed none https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7 98 comments politics
- Trump frequently accuses the far-left of inciting violence, yet right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7 2120 comments politics
Linking pages
- The “Oath Keepers” Are Today’s Blackshirts | The New Republic https://newrepublic.com/article/159174/oath-keepers-militias-trump-fascism 325 comments
- White Supremacists Are a Threat to Elections, Says the DHS | The Nation https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/white-supremacists-election/ 103 comments
- Opinion | The Lawbreakers Trump Loves - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/opinion/sunday/trump-protests-law.html 4 comments
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