Hacker News
- Breach – A new modular browser http://breach.cc/ 41 comments
- Show HN: Breach – A modular browser built on Chromium and Node.js http://breach.cc 169 comments
- Breach - A browser for the HTML5 era http://breach.cc/ 5 comments browsers , javascript
- Breach - A new modular Browser http://breach.cc 8 comments browsers
- Breach - A browser for the HTML5 era http://breach.cc/ 19 comments opensource
- Breach - A browser entirely written in JavaScript http://breach.cc/ 9 comments software
- Breach - An open source, hackable browser built on JavaScript and HTML 5. Look really cool. http://breach.cc 39 comments javascript
- Breach, hackable browser written in Javascript http://breach.cc/ 55 comments programming
- Have anyone tried this browser? Looks promising http://breach.cc/ 4 comments browsers
- Breach – A new browser UI written in JavaScript http://breach.cc/ 115 comments webdev
Linking pages
- This is my next main browser: a review of Orion | Riccardo Mori http://morrick.me/archives/9500 149 comments
- Breach's open source browser hopes to succeed where Firefox fell short http://www.rudebaguette.com/2014/07/24/breach-succeeding-firefox-fell-short/ 0 comments
- The best links of 2014. Front end, UI/UX, enterpreneurship… | by Győri Dávid | Medium https://medium.com/@david.gyori/2014-best-bookmarks-xmas-edition-328-link-eb011855d196 0 comments
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