Hacker News
- The Concept of “Race” Is a Lie (2019) https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-concept-of-race-is-a-lie/ 3 comments
- The Concept of “Race” Is a Lie https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-concept-of-race-is-a-lie/ 3 comments
Linking pages
Linked pages
- Monthly Review | Why Socialism? https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism 932 comments
- Humans Started Riding Horses 5,000 Years Ago, New Evidence Suggests - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/humans-started-riding-horses-5-000-years-ago-new-evidence-suggests/ 345 comments
- Canada hate crimes up 47% as Muslims, Jews and black people targeted | Canada | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/29/canada-hate-crimes-rise-muslims-jews-black-people 197 comments
- Stonehenge: DNA reveals origin of builders - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47938188 177 comments
- The Most Boring Number in the World Is ... - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-most-boring-number-in-the-world-is/ 100 comments
- When Homer envisioned Achilles, did he see a black man? | Aeon Essays https://aeon.co/essays/when-homer-envisioned-achilles-did-he-see-a-black-man 93 comments
- Record-Breaking Boreal Fires May Be a Climate 'Time Bomb' - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/record-breaking-boreal-fires-may-be-a-climate-time-bomb/ 30 comments
- We Must Stop Treating Grasslands as Wastelands - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/we-must-stop-treating-grasslands-as-wastelands/ 0 comments