Hacker News
- No, You Really Can’t [Archive] https://web.archive.org/web/20150811052336/https:/blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 2 comments
- Oracle’s license agreement as it pertains to reverse engineering https://web.archive.org/web/20150811052336/https:/blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 117 comments
- “Stop reverse engineering our code” https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 344 comments
- No, You Really Can’t https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 37 comments security
- Oracle CSO is mad at customers that search for vulnerabilities in their applications https://web.archive.org/web/20150811090106/https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 4 comments netsec
- Oracle's CISO - No, You Really Can't https://web.archive.org/web/20150811052336/https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 34 comments linux
- Oracle blogger: No, you can't look at our code (x-post from /r/programming) https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 21 comments technology
- Oracle: Stop looking for bugs in our software, just look at all our shiny certifications! https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 98 comments sysadmin
- Oracle blogger: No, you can't look at our code. https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 1045 comments programming
- No, You Really Can’t - [Oracle Blogpost] https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t 49 comments netsec
Linking pages
- Oracle Deletes CSO's Screed Against Hackers Who Report Bugs | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2015/08/oracle-deletes-csos-screed-hackers-report-bugs/ 1 comment
- Oracle yanks blog post critical of security vendors, customers | Computerworld http://www.computerworld.com/article/2969378/security/oracle-yanks-blog-post-critical-of-security-vendors-customers.html 0 comments
- Are Bug Bounties Actually Helpful? http://insights.dice.com/2015/08/11/are-bug-bounties-actually-helpful/ 0 comments
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