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- https://godbolt.org 794 comments
- Designing a SIMD Algorithm from Scratch · mcyoung https://mcyoung.xyz/2023/11/27/simd-base64/ 102 comments
- x86 and amd64 instruction reference https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/ 62 comments
- GitHub - mmcloughlin/avo: Generate x86 Assembly with Go https://github.com/mmcloughlin/avo#readme 50 comments
- A (Draft) Taxonomy of SIMD Usage – Branch Free https://branchfree.org/2024/06/09/a-draft-taxonomy-of-simd-usage/ 14 comments
- Compiler Explorer https://zig.godbolt.org 2 comments
- GitHub - awesome-simd/awesome-simd: A curated list of awesome SIMD frameworks, libraries and software https://github.com/awesome-simd/awesome-simd 0 comments
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