Hacker News
- Steve Ballmer's incorrect binary search interview question https://blog.jgc.org/2024/09/steve-ballmers-binary-search-interview.html 243 comments
- Steve Ballmer's incorrect binary search interview question https://blog.jgc.org/2024/09/steve-ballmers-binary-search-interview.html 17 comments perl
- Steve Ballmer's incorrect binary search interview question https://blog.jgc.org/2024/09/steve-ballmers-binary-search-interview.html 29 comments programming
- Steve Ballmer's incorrect binary search interview question https://blog.jgc.org/2024/09/steve-ballmers-binary-search-interview.html 6 comments coding
- Steve Ballmer's incorrect binary search interview question https://blog.jgc.org/2024/09/steve-ballmers-binary-search-interview.html 18 comments compsci
Linking pages
- Steve Ballmer was wrong | gukov.dev https://gukov.dev/puzzles/math/2024/09/05/steve-ballmer-was-wrong.html 160 comments
- Nash equilibria in Ballmer's binary-search interview game – Arthur O'Dwyer – Stuff mostly about C++ https://quuxplusone.github.io/blog/2024/09/04/the-game-is-flawed/ 40 comments
- Analysis of adversarial binary search game | Possibly Wrong https://possiblywrong.wordpress.com/2024/09/04/analysis-of-adversarial-binary-search-game/ 14 comments
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