Hacker News
- Willow, Our Quantum Chip https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/ 527 comments
- Hartmut Neven, the founder and lead at Google Quantum AI, says Google's new Willow quantum chip is so fast it may be borrowing computational power from other universes in the multiverse. https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/ 305 comments futurology
- Google announces new quantum computing chip https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/ 2 comments science
- Alphabet’s quantum computer solved a problem which would take a supercomputer 17 septillion years to solve https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/ 238 comments futurology
Linking pages
- Google says its new quantum chip indicates that multiple universes exist https://finance.yahoo.com/news/google-says-quantum-chip-indicates-192059739.html?ncid=100001466 93 comments
- Google claims its new Willow quantum chip can swiftly solve a problem that would take a standard supercomputer 10 septillion years | Tom's Hardware https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/quantum-computing/google-claims-its-new-willow-quantum-chip-can-swiftly-solve-a-problem-that-would-take-a-standard-supercomputer-10-septillion-years 37 comments
- Google's New Quantum Chip Solves Tasks in Minutes That Would Take Supercomputers 10 Septillion Years | AT News https://www.androidtrends.com/news/google-quantum-chip/ 35 comments
- Google's New Chip Could Crack One of Quantum Computing's Biggest Problems : ScienceAlert https://www.sciencealert.com/googles-new-chip-could-crack-one-of-quantum-computings-biggest-problems 30 comments
- Google’s Willow: Can the Quantum Chip Break Bitcoin? https://www.financemagnates.com/fintech/googles-willow-can-the-quantum-chip-break-bitcoin/ 0 comments
- Google's 🎉Willow🎉 Breakthrough - by Fred Havemeyer https://haveanidea.substack.com/p/googles-willow-breakthrough 0 comments
- ChatGPT can’t see what you do online. Microsoft Copilot now can. | Vox https://www.vox.com/technology/390582/microsoft-chatgpt-copilot-vision-ai 0 comments
- Can Google’s Willow Quantum Chip Threaten Bitcoin? https://beincrypto.com/willow-quantum-computing-crack-bitcoin-encryption/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- The Keyword | Google https://blog.google/ 47 comments
- https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/frontier/ 26 comments
- Phase transitions in random circuit sampling | Nature https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07998-6 0 comments
- Making quantum error correction work https://research.google/blog/making-quantum-error-correction-work/ 0 comments
- Quantum error correction below the surface code threshold | Nature https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08449-y 0 comments
- Hands-on quantum error correction with Google Quantum AI | Coursera https://www.coursera.org/learn/quantum-error-correction 0 comments
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