Hacker News
- DOJ's radical and sweeping proposals risk hurting consumers, businesses, devs https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/public-policy/doj-search-remedies-framework/ 6 comments
- DOJ’s radical and sweeping proposals risk hurting consumers, businesses, and developers https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/public-policy/doj-search-remedies-framework/ 208 comments android
Linking pages
- Google reacts angrily to report it will have to sell Chrome https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy4g193qezno 548 comments
- DOJ proposes breakup and other big changes to end Google search monopoly - Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/10/googles-ai-deals-could-hurt-its-search-monopoly-appeal-expert-says/ 236 comments
- DOJ’s staggering proposal would hurt consumers and America’s global technological leadership https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/public-policy/doj-search-remedies-nov-2024/ 126 comments
- A Google breakup is on the table, say DOJ lawyers - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2024/10/8/24265832/google-search-antitrust-remedies-framework-android-chrome-play 74 comments
- US government considers a breakup of Google | CNN Business https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/09/tech/us-government-considers-a-breakup-of-google 9 comments
- Google Chrome and antitrust: Will a new owner solve the browser’s privacy problems? | Vox https://www.vox.com/technology/387375/google-chrome-antitrust-privacy-android 2 comments
- Google’s Guardians Donate to the Harris Campaign - The American Prospect https://prospect.org/power/2024-10-17-googles-guardians-donate-harris-campaign/ 1 comment
- The Rage of Google - BIG by Matt Stoller https://www.thebignewsletter.com/p/the-rage-of-google 0 comments
- US talk on Google breakup gives EU political cover to get tough – POLITICO https://www.politico.eu/article/google-breakup-eu-political-cover-big-tech/ 0 comments
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