- ELF in-memory execution via php/python/perl [MSF module included] https://blog.fbkcs.ru/en/elf-in-memory-execution/ 7 comments netsec
Linking pages
- GitHub - timb-machine/linux-malware: Tracking interesting Linux (and UNIX) malware. Send PRs https://github.com/timb-machine/linux-malware 64 comments
- GitHub - mthbernardes/GTRS: GTRS - Google Translator Reverse Shell https://github.com/mthbernardes/GTRS 30 comments
- GitHub - 89luca89/pakkero: Pakkero is a binary packer written in Go made for fun and educational purpose. Its main goal is to take in input a program file (elf binary, script, even appimage) and compress it, protect it from tampering and intrusion. https://github.com/89luca89/pakkero 4 comments
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