Hacker News
- Index 1.6B Keys with Automata and Rust (2015) https://blog.burntsushi.net/transducers/ 10 comments
- Finite state machines as data structures (2015) https://blog.burntsushi.net/transducers/#finite-state-machines-as-data-structures 3 comments
- Index 1.6B Keys with Automata and Rust (2015) http://blog.burntsushi.net/transducers/ 2 comments
- Finite state machines as data structure for representing ordered sets and maps http://blog.burntsushi.net/transducers/ 25 comments
- Index 1,600M Keys with Automata and Rust https://blog.burntsushi.net/transducers 3 comments programming
- Index 1,600,000,000 Keys with Automata and Rust http://blog.burntsushi.net/transducers/ 22 comments programming
- Index 1,600,000,000 Keys with Automata and Rust http://blog.burntsushi.net/transducers/ 30 comments rust
Linking pages
- Regex engine internals as a library - Andrew Gallant's Blog https://blog.burntsushi.net/regex-internals/ 130 comments
- How To Put 30 Languages Into 1.1MB | Laurenz's Blog https://laurmaedje.github.io/posts/hypher/ 99 comments
- GitHub - richardartoul/tsdb-layer: Time Series and FoundationDB. Millions of writes/s and 10x compression in under 2,000 lines of Go. https://github.com/richardartoul/tsdb-layer 89 comments
- GitHub - BurntSushi/regex-automata: A low level regular expression library that uses deterministic finite automata. https://github.com/BurntSushi/regex-automata 16 comments
- This Week in Rust 404 · This Week in Rust https://this-week-in-rust.org/blog/2021/08/18/this-week-in-rust-404/ 14 comments
- Introducing instant.bible - An as-you-type Bible search engine written in Rust, Swift, Kotlin, and TypeScript! https://knpw.rs/blog/instant-bible 11 comments
- This Week in Rust 105 · This Week in Rust http://this-week-in-rust.org/blog/2015/11/16/this-week-in-rust-105/ 11 comments
- GitHub - couchbase/vellum: A Go library implementing an FST (finite state transducer) https://github.com/couchbaselabs/vellum 9 comments
- Regular expressions: how do they work? - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 https://dev.to/katafrakt/regular-expressions-how-do-they-work-1n55 5 comments
- Failed Attempt at Creating a Video Search Engine | Ben D’Angelo Blog https://www.bendangelo.me/2024/07/16/failed-attempt-at-creating-a-video-search-engine/ 1 comment
- GitHub - fitzgen/peepmatic: A DSL and compiler for generating peephole optimizers for Cranelift https://github.com/fitzgen/peepmatic 0 comments
- GitHub - BurntSushi/fst: Represent large sets and maps compactly with finite state transducers. https://github.com/BurntSushi/fst 0 comments
- GitHub - blevesearch/vellum: A Go library implementing a FST (finite state transducer) https://github.com/blevesearch/vellum 0 comments
Linked pages
- Free eBooks | Project Gutenberg https://gutenberg.org 2028 comments
- Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache https://varnish-cache.org/trac/wiki/ArchitectNotes 507 comments
- What Every Programmer Absolutely, Positively Needs to Know About Encodings and Character Sets to Work With Text https://kunststube.net/encoding/ 445 comments
- The Rust Programming Language - The Rust Programming Language https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ 405 comments
- Levenshtein distance - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance 173 comments
- Common Crawl https://commoncrawl.org/ 85 comments
- Digital object identifier - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_object_identifier 50 comments
- Error Handling https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/error-handling.html#a-brief-interlude:-unwrapping-isn't-evil 35 comments
- Levenshtein automata can be simple and fast http://julesjacobs.github.io/2015/06/17/disqus-levenshtein-simple-and-fast.html 32 comments
- Wikipedia:Database download - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download 25 comments
- Implementing Regular Expressions https://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/ 19 comments
- GitHub - BurntSushi/aho-corasick: A fast implementation of Aho-Corasick in Rust. https://github.com/burntsushi/aho-corasick 10 comments
- GitHub - BurntSushi/suffix: Fast suffix arrays for Rust (with Unicode support). https://github.com/burntsushi/suffix 9 comments
- DFA minimization - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DFA_minimization 7 comments
- http://doc.rust-lang.org/regex/regex_syntax/index.html 4 comments
- https://doc.rust-lang.org/regex/regex/index.html#composites 3 comments
- GitHub - google/re2: RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library. https://github.com/google/re2 0 comments
- GitHub - BurntSushi/fst: Represent large sets and maps compactly with finite state transducers. https://github.com/BurntSushi/fst 0 comments
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