Hacker News
- QuickJS JavaScript Engine https://bellard.org/quickjs/ 67 comments
- A small but complete JavaScript engine https://bellard.org/quickjs/ 146 comments
- QuickJS JavaScript Engine https://bellard.org/quickjs/ 261 comments
- QuickJS JavaScript Engine https://bellard.org/quickjs/ 3 comments
- QuickJS Javascript Engine from Bellard https://bellard.org/quickjs/ 33 comments linux
- QuickJS Javascript Engine - small and embeddable, supports the ES2019 specification including modules, asynchronous generators and proxies https://bellard.org/quickjs/ 93 comments programming
- QuickJS Javascript Engine by Fabrice Bellard https://bellard.org/quickjs/ 15 comments javascript
Linking pages
- What is this Gemini thing anyway, and why am I excited about it? https://drewdevault.com/2020/11/01/What-is-Gemini-anyway.html 330 comments
- Exploring Typst, a new typesetting system similar to LaTeX - jreyesr's blog https://blog.jreyesr.com/posts/typst/ 247 comments
- GitHub - c-smile/sciter-js-sdk: Sciter.JS - Sciter but with QuickJS on board instead of my TIScript https://github.com/c-smile/sciter-js-sdk 191 comments
- Linux in a Pixel Shader - A RISC-V Emulator for VRChat https://blog.pimaker.at/texts/rvc1/ 151 comments
- GitHub - Fr0sT-Brutal/awesome-pascal: A curated list of awesome Delphi/FreePascal/(any)Pascal frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Open source and freeware only! https://github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/awesome-pascal 111 comments
- Sciter uses JavaScript from now and on – Terra Informatica Software https://terrainformatica.com/2021/04/25/sciter-uses-javascript-from-now-and-on/ 107 comments
- GitHub - galvez/fast-vue-ssr: Fast Vue SSR experiment with QuickJS and Rust https://github.com/galvez/fast-vue-ssr/ 51 comments
- 3.4.1 – CouchDB Blog https://blog.couchdb.org/2024/09/27/3-4-1/ 48 comments
- GitHub - quickjs-ng/quickjs: QuickJS, the Next Generation: a mighty JavaScript engine https://github.com/quickjs-ng/quickjs 40 comments
- Running JavaScript in WebAssembly with WasmEdge https://www.secondstate.io/articles/run-javascript-in-webassembly-with-wasmedge/ 37 comments
- GitHub - dbohdan/compilers-targeting-c: A list of compilers that can generate C code https://github.com/dbohdan/compilers-targeting-c 36 comments
- GitHub - saghul/txiki.js: A tiny JavaScript runtime https://github.com/saghul/txiki.js 34 comments
- GitHub - vitoplantamura/BugChecker: SoftICE-like kernel debugger for Windows 11 https://github.com/vitoplantamura/BugChecker 29 comments
- Bytecode Alliance — Announcing Jco 1.0 https://bytecodealliance.org/articles/jco-1.0 23 comments
- Quark – HTML/CSS/script Application Compiler https://quark.sciter.com/ 18 comments
- Writing a Stackless Evaluator · GitHub https://gist.github.com/divs1210/de271002ac6f2983a3fc7d78c1fc6260 18 comments
- The State of the Project | Qbs https://qbs.io/blog/project-state/ 15 comments
- A list of JavaScript engines, runtimes, interpreters · GitHub https://gist.github.com/guest271314/bd292fc33e1b30dede0643a283fadc6a 15 comments
- react-ssd1306/tutorial.md at master · doodlewind/react-ssd1306 · GitHub https://github.com/doodlewind/react-ssd1306/blob/master/docs/tutorial.md 14 comments
- GitHub - exlunaproject/underscript: A Lua extension library that allows to run various scripting languages from within Lua scripts, cross-language require scripts and load 32-bit Lua on Lua 64-bit https://github.com/felipedaragon/underscript#lol-lua-32-bit-on-lua-64-bit 13 comments
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