Hacker News
- The challenges of building a hypersonic airliner http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150914-the-challenges-of-building-a-hypersonic-airliner 45 comments
- Could an airliner that flies anywhere in under 3 hours be in service by 2030? One estimate puts the cost one way at €5,000 (£3,700) per seat for a Brussels to Sydney trip. The challenges of building a hypersonic airliner. X-Post. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150914-the-challenges-of-building-a-hypersonic-airliner 7 comments space
Linking pages
- NY to SF in 10 Minutes. Imagine a world where you can travel… | by Nicolae Rusan | Medium https://medium.com/@nicolaerusan/ny-to-sf-in-10-minutes-13edeab7132a#.acvl6wq3s 6 comments
- The audacious plan to bring back supersonic flight — and change air travel forever - Vox http://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2016/11/2/13409324/supersonic-flight-concorde 1 comment
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