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- GitHub - amazon-archives/aws-full-stack-template: AWS Full-Stack Template is a full-stack sample web application that creates a simple CRUD (create, read, update, delete) app, and provides the foundational services, components, and plumbing needed to get a basic web application up and running. https://github.com/awslabs/aws-full-stack-template 25 comments
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- Amazon Elastic Beanstalk introduces support for shared load balancers | Containers https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/amazon-elastic-beanstalk-introduces-support-shared-load-balancers/ 12 comments
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- How to Lock Terraform State with S3 bucket in DynamoDB. | by Christopher Quiles | Medium https://quileswest.medium.com/how-to-lock-terraform-state-with-s3-bucket-in-dynamodb-3ba7c4e637 6 comments
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- On-the-fly video conversion with Amazon CloudFront, Lambda@Edge, and AWS Elemental MediaConvert | Networking & Content Delivery https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/on-the-fly-video-conversion-amazon-cloudfront-lambdaedge-mediaconvert/ 2 comments
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- How I host my personal site for ~$1USD/Month - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 https://dev.to/fastflowz/how-i-host-my-personal-site-for-1usd-month-2c67 1 comment
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- Building an Automotive Embedded Linux Image for Edge and Cloud Using Arm-based Graviton Instances, Yocto Project, and SOAFEE | AWS for Industries https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/industries/building-an-automotive-embedded-linux-image-for-edge-using-arm-graviton-yocto-project-soafee/ 1 comment
- 101 AWS Lambda tutorial for Go developers | Mantil Blog https://blog.mantil.com/dummy-guide-to-aws-lambda-for-go-developers-63192b684898 0 comments
- Finding the nearest locations around you using AWS Amplify — Part 1 | by Gerard Sans | Medium https://medium.com/@gerard.sans/finding-the-nearest-locations-around-you-using-aws-amplify-part-1-ee4d6a14eec9 0 comments
- Publishing private npm packages with AWS CodeArtifact | AWS DevOps Blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/publishing-private-npm-packages-aws-codeartifact/ 0 comments
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