Hacker News
- Building a distributed log using S3 (under 150 lines of Go) https://avi.im/blag/2024/s3-log/ 30 comments
- Building a distributed log using S3 (under 150 lines of Go) https://avi.im/blag/2024/s3-log/ 5 comments databases
- Building a distributed log using S3 (under 150 lines of Go) https://avi.im/blag/2024/s3-log/ 13 comments golang
- Building a distributed log using S3 https://avi.im/blag/2024/s3-log/ 3 comments programming
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Linked pages
- The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction | LinkedIn Engineering https://engineering.linkedin.com/distributed-systems/log-what-every-software-engineer-should-know-about-real-time-datas-unifying 43 comments
- Zero Disk Architecture - blag https://avi.im/blag/2024/zero-disk-architecture/ 22 comments
- Bufstream: Kafka at 10x lower cost - Buf https://buf.build/blog/bufstream-kafka-lower-cost 9 comments
- PSA: Most databases do not do checksums by default - blag https://avi.im/blag/2024/databases-checksum/ 7 comments
- Disaggregated Storage - a brief introduction - blag https://avi.im/blag/2024/disaggregated-storage/ 6 comments
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