- Lawsuit filed DC federal court on behalf of migrants traveling to the United States to seek asylum, alleging the Trump admin is unconstitutionally detaining asylum seekers and trying to deny them entry [link to complaint] https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/5026840/11-1-18-Pineda-v-Trump-Complaint.pdf 40 comments law
Linking pages
- Trump announces plan to block some migrants from seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, offers few details - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-he-is-finalizing-plan-to-end-abuse-of-us-asylum-system-vowing-massive-tent-cities-to-hold-migrants/2018/11/01/90fb6252-ddec-11e8-b732-3c72cbf131f2_story.html 12 comments