- Can someone explain to me how the gradient update to and weights retrieval from the global shared parameters work in A3C? https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.01783 7 comments reinforcementlearning
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- Attacking Machine Learning with Adversarial Examples https://openai.com/blog/adversarial-example-research/ 102 comments
- Understanding Large Language Models - by Sebastian Raschka https://magazine.sebastianraschka.com/p/understanding-large-language-models 53 comments
- Autoencoding Blade Runner. Reconstructing films with artificial… | by Terence Broad | Medium https://medium.com/@terrybroad/autoencoding-blade-runner-88941213abbe#.7zoggp1ad 42 comments
- Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap/README.md at master · floodsung/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap · GitHub https://github.com/songrotek/deep-learning-papers-reading-roadmap 29 comments
- Machine Learning for Humans🤖👶. The ultimate guide to machine learning… | by Vishal Maini | Machine Learning for Humans | Medium https://medium.com/machine-learning-for-humans/why-machine-learning-matters-6164faf1df12 24 comments
- GitHub - andri27-ts/Reinforcement-Learning: Learn Deep Reinforcement Learning in 60 days! Lectures & Code in Python. Reinforcement Learning + Deep Learning https://github.com/andri27-ts/60_Days_RL_Challenge 22 comments
- GitHub - dennybritz/reinforcement-learning: Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course. https://github.com/dennybritz/reinforcement-learning 20 comments
- GitHub - higgsfield/RL-Adventure-2: PyTorch0.4 implementation of: actor critic / proximal policy optimization / acer / ddpg / twin dueling ddpg / soft actor critic / generative adversarial imitation learning / hindsight experience replay https://github.com/higgsfield/RL-Adventure-2 20 comments
- Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels https://karpathy.github.io/2016/05/31/rl/ 16 comments
- GitHub - lcswillems/torch-ac: Recurrent and multi-process PyTorch implementation of deep reinforcement Actor-Critic algorithms A2C and PPO https://github.com/lcswillems/torch-ac 15 comments
- LLM Training: RLHF and Its Alternatives https://magazine.sebastianraschka.com/p/llm-training-rlhf-and-its-alternatives 14 comments
- GitHub - marload/DeepRL-TensorFlow2: 🐋 Simple implementations of various popular Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms using TensorFlow2 https://github.com/marload/deep-rl-tf2 10 comments
- RAdam: A New State-of-the-Art Optimizer for RL? | by Chris Nota | Autonomous Learning Library | Medium https://medium.com/autonomous-learning-library/radam-a-new-state-of-the-art-optimizer-for-rl-442c1e830564 10 comments
- GitHub - p-christ/Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithms-with-PyTorch: PyTorch implementations of deep reinforcement learning algorithms and environments https://github.com/p-christ/Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithms-with-PyTorch 9 comments
- Attacking Machine Learning with Adversarial Examples https://blog.openai.com/adversarial-example-research/ 8 comments
- OpenAI Baselines: ACKTR & A2C https://blog.openai.com/baselines-acktr-a2c/ 6 comments
- Introducing Huskarl: The Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework | by TensorFlow | Medium https://medium.com/@tensorflow/introducing-huskarl-the-modular-deep-reinforcement-learning-framework-e47d4b228dd3 6 comments
- GitHub - floodsung/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap: Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech! https://github.com/floodsung/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap 5 comments
- GitHub - tinker495/jax-baseline https://github.com/tinker495/jax-baseline 5 comments
- Scaling the A3C algorithm to multiple machines with Tensorflow.JS · Naif Mehanna https://naifmehanna.com/2019-02-27-scaling-a3c-multiple-machines-tensorflowjs/ 4 comments
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