Hacker News
- TSMC will reportedly invest $100B to expand US chip fab buildouts https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/03/tsmc-will-reportedly-invest-100b-to-expand-us-chip-fab-buildouts/ 3 comments
- TSMC to invest $100B as Trump demands more US-made chips, report says | Trump's threat of semiconductor tariffs may have spooked the chipmaker. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/03/tsmc-will-reportedly-invest-100b-to-expand-us-chip-fab-buildouts/ 7 comments technology
Linked pages
- Trump plans to dismantle Biden AI safeguards after victory - Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/11/trump-victory-signals-major-shakeup-for-us-ai-regulations/ 2963 comments
- CHIPS Act dies because employees are fired - NIST CHIPS... - SemiWiki https://semiwiki.com/semiconductor-services/semiconductor-advisors/353373-chips-act-dies-because-employees-are-fired-nist-chips-people-are-probationary/ 1108 comments
- Exclusive | Trump, Chip Maker TSMC Expected to Announce $100 Billion Investment in U.S. - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/tech/trump-chip-maker-tsmc-expected-to-announce-100-billion-investment-in-u-s-02a44399 643 comments
- Trump suggests 25% tariffs on autos, pharma and semiconductors that could go even higher https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/19/trump-suggests-25percent-tariffs-on-autos-pharma-and-semiconductors-that-could-go-even-higher.html 160 comments
- Inside TSMC’s new chip fab where Apple will make chips in the U.S. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/12/13/inside-tsmcs-new-chip-fab-where-apple-will-make-chips-in-the-us-.html 55 comments
- TSMC will build third Arizona fab after winning $6.6B in CHIPS funding | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/04/tsmc-will-build-third-arizona-fab-after-winning-6-6b-in-chips-funding/ 4 comments
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