- The US military is now talking openly about going on the attack in space | "We have to build capabilities that provide our leadership offensive and defensive options." https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/12/the-us-military-is-now-talking-openly-about-going-on-the-attack-in-space/ 297 comments space
- The US military is now talking openly about going on the attack in space | "We have to build capabilities that provide our leadership offensive and defensive options." https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/12/the-us-military-is-now-talking-openly-about-going-on-the-attack-in-space/ 113 comments technology
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- Russia stands alone in vetoing UN resolution on nuclear weapons in space | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/04/no-surprise-russia-vetoes-un-resolution-reaffirming-ban-on-nukes-in-space/ 0 comments
- https://medium.com/@ToryBrunoULA/its-time-to-defend-ourselves-in-space-69608ab3da8f 0 comments
- https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf 0 comments
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