- Fresh leaks suggest Half-Life 3 development may be nearing completion | Datamined engine updates suggest long-awaited sequel is in "polish and optimization" phase. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/02/fresh-leaks-suggest-half-life-3-development-may-be-nearing-completion/ 187 comments technews
- Fresh leaks suggest Half-Life 3 development may be nearing completion | Datamined engine updates suggest long-awaited sequel is in "polish and optimization" phase. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/02/fresh-leaks-suggest-half-life-3-development-may-be-nearing-completion/ 87 comments technology
Linked pages
- Valve secrets spill over—including Half-Life 3—in new Steam documentary app | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/07/valve-secrets-spill-over-including-half-life-3-in-new-steam-documentary-app/ 214 comments
- Why Half-Life 3 speculation is reaching a fever pitch again - Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/01/is-2025-finally-the-real-year-of-half-life-3-confirmed/ 18 comments
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP9JgtJPzbI 0 comments
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