- Star Citizen still hasn’t launched, but it’s already banning cheaters https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/06/star-citizen-still-hasnt-launched-but-its-already-banning-cheaters/ 426 comments technology
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- Stretch Goals - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 https://robertsspaceindustries.com/funding-goals 239 comments
- Star Citizen dev offers roadmap for development of new development roadmap | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/07/star-citizen-dev-offers-roadmap-for-development-of-new-development-roadmap/ 99 comments
- Proton is taking its privacy-first apps to a nonprofit foundation model | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/06/proton-is-taking-its-privacy-first-apps-to-a-nonprofit-foundation-model/ 81 comments
- Star Citizen still hasn’t launched, but it’s facing server failures | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/03/star-citizen-faces-major-server-outage-still-isnt-close-to-launch/ 79 comments
- Wing Commander‘s Chris Roberts returns to gaming with ambitious MMO | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2012/10/wing-commanders-chris-roberts-returns-to-gaming-with-ambitious-mmo/ 32 comments
- Star Citizen’s Squadron 42 campaign is “feature complete” after 11 years | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/10/star-citizens-squadron-42-campaign-is-feature-complete-after-11-years/ 2 comments
- A complete (so far) Star Citizen ship collection now costs $48,000 | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/01/a-complete-star-citizens-ship-collection-now-costs-48000/ 2 comments
- Valve used secret memory access “honeypot” to detect 40K Dota 2 cheaters | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/02/valve-used-secret-memory-access-honeypot-to-detect-40k-dota-2-cheaters/ 1 comment
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