- “Not smart”: Philly man goes waaaay too far in revenge on group chat rival https://arstechnica.com/culture/2024/09/dont-launch-a-norwegian-murder-hoax-over-a-us-fantasy-football-group-chat/ 61 comments technology
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- Senate panel votes 20–0 for holding CEO of “health care terrorists” in contempt | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/09/rich-ceo-of-failed-hospitals-could-face-prison-time-as-contempt-charges-advance/ 15 comments
- Anker warns people to stop using some of its iPhone power banks, issues recall | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/09/anker-recalls-three-iphone-magsafe-power-banks-due-to-smoke-fire-risk/ 0 comments
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