- Trump’s new head of DOT rips up US fuel efficiency regulations | Secretary Duffy claims polluting more will make cars cheaper. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2025/01/trumps-new-head-of-dot-rips-up-us-fuel-efficiency-regulations/ 97 comments law
- Trump’s new head of DOT rips up US fuel efficiency regulations - Secretary Duffy claims polluting more will make cars cheaper. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2025/01/trumps-new-head-of-dot-rips-up-us-fuel-efficiency-regulations/ 49 comments politics
- Trump’s new head of DOT rips up US fuel efficiency regulations | Secretary Duffy claims polluting more will make cars cheaper. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2025/01/trumps-new-head-of-dot-rips-up-us-fuel-efficiency-regulations/ 2375 comments technology
- Trump’s new head of DOT rips up US fuel efficiency regulations | Secretary Duffy claims polluting more will make cars cheaper. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2025/01/trumps-new-head-of-dot-rips-up-us-fuel-efficiency-regulations/ 116 comments environment
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