Hacker News
- NHTSA has opened dozens of investigations into Tesla after more than 30 deaths https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/07/feds-open-yet-another-safety-investigation-into-tesla-autopilot/ 2 comments
- NHTSA investigating Tesla Autopilot after yet another fatal crash | NHTSA has opened dozens of investigations into Tesla after more than 30 deaths. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/07/feds-open-yet-another-safety-investigation-into-tesla-autopilot/ 4 comments technology
Linking pages
- Typo leaks millions of US military emails to Mali web operator | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/07/typo-leaks-millions-of-us-military-emails-to-mali-web-operator/ 11 comments
- Caught in the act: Mammal found with teeth sunk in a much larger dinosaur | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/07/caught-in-the-act-mammal-found-with-teeth-sunk-in-a-much-larger-dinosaur/ 9 comments
Linked pages
- Autopilot | Tesla https://www.tesla.com/autopilot 557 comments
- There is no “unintended acceleration” in Tesla vehicles | Tesla https://www.tesla.com/blog/no-unintended-acceleration-tesla-vehicles 165 comments
- Huge Tesla leak reveals thousands of safety concerns, privacy problems | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/05/massive-trove-of-tesla-files-contains-thousands-of-safety-complaints/ 131 comments
- US opens new special probe into fatal Tesla crash | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/us-opens-new-special-probe-into-fatal-tesla-crash-2023-07-18/ 15 comments
- Typo leaks millions of US military emails to Mali web operator | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/07/typo-leaks-millions-of-us-military-emails-to-mali-web-operator/ 11 comments
- Tesla Model 3 earns five-star NHTSA crash rating | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/cars/2018/09/tesla-model-3-earns-five-star-nhtsa-crash-rating/ 4 comments
- Tesla: No algorithm prevents sudden acceleration into fixed objects | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/04/tesla-says-there-is-no-legal-duty-to-design-a-failsafe-car/ 1 comment
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